09/08 2016

Vida Guzmić and Philip Vermeulen – interdisciplinary artists at Summer Sessions residencies

Metamedia Lab, News

Metamedia association became the first organization from Croatia to sponsor young artists in the Summer Sessions network for talent development.

Summer Sessions are short term artist residencies that take place over the summer months. These residencies aim to jumpstart the professional practice of early career artists by offering a highly productive atmosphere of expert feedback, production support and resources, as well as interaction with other international participants.

The result is a ‘pressure cooker’ in which artists develop an art project from concept to presentable work, ready to show at an international public event.

Vida Guzmić

Born in Zagreb, Croatia 1986. Studied New media graduating with MA in 2012 from Academy of fine arts, University of Zagreb, Croatia as Summa cum laude magister. Finished Women’s Studies Course, Center for Women’s Studies (CWS) and Curatorial Platform programme, Zagreb, Croatia. Her works has been shown in a number of exhibitions, including T-HTaward@msu.hr, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia, Finale 2012!, Radoslav Putar Award, Galzenica Gallery, Velika Gorica, Croatia, 31st Youth salon, HDLU, Zagreb, Croatia, We outsourced everything and now we’re bored, L’Atelier-Kunst(spiel)raum, Berlin, Germany, Almost a Year of Rectangles by Desktop Residency, Art Licks Weekend,Peckham Pelican, London, UK. Organises project, workshops and exhibitions in the art collective Space is tactics and Studio Pangolin. At the moment working as external graduate teaching assistant on Academy of Fine Arts, department of animated film and new media, Zagreb, Croatia.

By applying to the Summer Sessions, Vida Guzmić won the support of Metamedia to attend a residency programme in V2 – instutute for unstable media in Rottertam (www.v2.nl) where she will live for several weeks and work on her new film production.


Philip Vermeulen

Young artist from The Hague, student at the ArtScience Interfaculty (Royal Conservatory & The Royal Academy of the Arts, The Hague), Mr. Vermeulen discovers primary phenomena in all kinds of different media, sound, light, physics, nature. He starts playing and fighting with them to isolate the things he sees and try’s to tame and compose with them. He builds setups and immersive installations of provoking experiences, which questions the senses of the viewer by transporting them in another world.

Thanks to the support of V2 institute, Philip is currently living in Pula and working in the workspaces of Metamedia and Sonitus where he is building an unstable media installation “High-speed-ball-distribution system to create and to control physical rhythms”. The installation includes machines for ejecting tennis balls which he will programme to eject the balls in a certain rhythm and thus realize a musical composition which will last several minutes.



Additional information about the partners from the Summer Sessions: http://www.summersessions.net/partners

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