05/12 2022

Remix of Identities 8 | Open call for remixing contemporary and traditional music

Metamedia Lab

Metamedia Association has opened the applications for the “Remix of Identities” music remix contest. The theme of the contest is a remix of contemporary music with bitinades. This folk music is a part of the Rovinj area’s cultural heritage and is best known for its onomatopoeic polyphonic accompaniment of the soloist. By imitating instruments, these songs were associated with the sea and fishing activities. Through the process of remixing, this competition aims to modernize traditional songs with the aim of bringing them closer to a wider audience, especially young people.



The expert jury consisting of Milan Đurić, Alessio Giuricin, and Marino Jurcan will select the two best works, which will receive a cash prize of 1,000 HRK  (first prize) and 500 HRK  (second prize). A wider selection of the best works will be published on a joint album. The competition is open to everyone, and the only condition is the use of samples that will be sent when registering for participation. The basic criterion on which the applications will be judged is that the remixes retain the original identity of the original song so that it remains recognizable (e.g. keeping the original singing in full or in stanzas/choruses, keeping the original form, etc.).


Participants can register to enter the contest via the online form. Works should be sent to the e-mail address kontakt.radionice@gmail.com with the indication “Identity Remix 8 – application to the competition” until December 22, 2022. To send large files, it is necessary to use services such as WeTransfer and Jumbo mail.


Context & Materials

There is evidence of bitinàda dating from the 19th century where it is described as a morning or evening serenade under the balcony. Instruments that are imitated are double basses (which keep the tempo of the song and are the only required part), guitars (which make up the harmony of the song: tenors 1, tenors 2, and baritones), mandolins, mandoles, clarinets, oboes, violins, trumpets, trombones, and ukuleles (which make up teîn-teîne songs, that is, improvisation between stanzas, which is also the most characteristic feature of bitinade).


1. E guarda già da secoli

Text: trad.

Melody: trad.

Performers: Alessio Giuricin

Better known by the title “Che orchestra, fiòi, che musica”, this song was most likely composed at the beginning of the 20th century. The people of Rovinj loved it immediately and it entered the bitinade repertoire with some small variations of harmonic elements (the harmony was simplified).


2. I muratori

Text: trad

Melody: trad.

Performers: KUD women’s choir “Marco Garbin”

A peculiar song from the neighboring regions. In the Rovinj area, this song is sung by women in the form of ària da cuntràda (street tune) in thirds, but often a bitinada accompaniment is added.


3. La muièru maladìta

Text: trad.

Melody: trad.

Performers: Alessio Giuricin

A very amusing ironic song by an unknown author, easily performed in bitinade form as a slow march and with an obligatory bass phrase. It is a song that describes a “damned wife” and her gentle behavior toward her husband. The chorus he sings always goes, “If I complain I’m mean, I’m a monster without a heart, but when she beats my hips I really sweat,” suggesting that everything is resolved afterward in bed.



4. La sarturela

Text: trad.

Melody: trad.

Performers: Marisa Poretti and Angela Preden

It is a song that was certainly written in the area of Trieste (it is possible that it has a similar origin as “Tu non vedi che l’albero pende”). The story of a young man’s love affair with an older woman, but without luck. It is easy to follow in bitinada, and has a strong visual impact on the audience when performed if the text is interpreted well.



Remix of Identities is ​​a music project of the Metamedij association implemented within the Metamedia Lab and the Metamusic music community studio – creative laboratories of the Rojc Social Center The project seeks to establish a dialogue between traditional and contemporary music, and explores the possibilities of communication between societies, cultures, traditions, historical periods and directions through contemporary music, remixing traditional music with contemporary. Identity remixes are available on the Bandcamp page of Metamusic Production.


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