02/03 2020

EXTENDED DEADLINE | In/Visible Cities Festival + Digital Contaminations – Open call for residencies

Media Mediterranea



The following call, promoted by In\Visible Cities Festival_Digital contaminations and the organization Quarantasettezeroquattro, is open to individual artists, artists’ groups, collectives, production studios interested in participating to the Festival by proposing multimedia artworks: shows, live performances or installations.

Art. 1 »
The following call will select individual artists/artists’ groups/companies/collectives proposing a multimedia project, either an installation or a performance. The artwork must explore the relations among different media and languages, developing projects based on live performances, video mapping, photographs, sounds, texts, and their interactivity. Particular attention should be made to the new languages developed on-line via social media and to the latest technologies based on IT, virtual reality, relation to humans and machines, robotics.

The call encourages site-specific projects in non-theatrical spaces, especially disused commercial locations, empty shops, or shops open to the public, small squares, or courtyards. The artworks should explore the relations among performers, multimedia languages, and urban spaces.
It is also possible to present projects that involve – either in the creative phase or during the performance – the active participation of citizens/the public.

The 2020 edition of In/visible Cities – Digital Contaminations proposes two thematic focuses:

“Borderline identity”
The artists who respond to the call are called upon to develop original reflections capable of the broadest possible thematization of the relationships between the concepts of identity and boundaries, for example:
_the coexistence between populations of different language, culture, and traditions, capable of making a border territory particularly wealthy, both culturally and economically, but also extremely unstable;
_the question of identity in the border area between Italy, Slovenia and Croatia, placing the symbolic places of identity contamination at the center of artistic research;
_the theme of “borders” applied to the concept of identity, aimed to explore not only the issue of ethnic-national identities but also to focus on matters of gender identities (the condition of women) and generational identities.

Artists are invited to reflect on issues such as :
_environmental protection;
_the relationship between spaces (natural, urban) and human societies
_the relationship between real and virtual spaces.

Art. 2 Participants »
The call is open to multimedia artists and creative people of any discipline and nationality, living in Italy or abroad. The participation of artists’ groups is allowed. Participants must be aged at least eighteen at the beginning of the Festival.

Art. 3 Main selection criteria »
− Quality and originality of the proposal;
− Correspondence of the project proposal to the festival’s artistic line;
− Feasibility of the project in terms of cost, time, technical equipment and logistics;
− Artistic Curriculum;
− Potential of works for development and revival in other contexts

Art. 4 Application »
All candidates must submit their proposals using the e-form to the following address: invisiblecities.eu/call/richiedoasiloartistico2020-opencall.html
by 31 March 17 April 2020.

When completing the e-form the participants must select either the residency or submit a project already prepared for installation/performance.
For validation, each application must be accompanied by:
– full project description with videos/pictures/installation proposal;
– artist/company description, artistic CV and website;
– technical rider;
– for the residency only: work-plan describing the actions to be completed during the residency;

For more information or any question regarding the on-line form please contact the following email address: segreteria@quarantasettezeroquattro.it

Art. 5 Commission »
All proposed projects will be evaluated by an artistic commission composed of representatives of the partner associations.
The judgement of the commission will be irrevocable, the results of the selection will be announced by 21 April 2020 by e-mail (to the selected artists) and published on the website invisiblecities.eu/call/richiedoasiloartistico2020-opencall.html

Art. 6 Periods and locations »
The artists proposing for the artistic residency must indicate in the application form, in a clear and detailed way, the phases of work to be carried out during the residency. Any activities involving citizens (interviews, video shooting, documentation work) and the site-specific working methods should be submitted.

Based on the characteristics of the project presented, and based on the judgment and evaluations of the artistic commission, the selected artists may be invited to participate in:

_ a residency period of 10-15 days for the realization/development of the performance/installation in the framework of In\Visible Cities-Digital contaminations (Friuli-Venezia Giulia: June-July 2020); The performance/show or installation must be presented to the public within the In\Visible Cities-Digital Contamination program on a date to be agreed upon.
_ two residencies periods (of 7-10 days each) to be developed in the program of In\Visible Cities-Digital contaminations (Friuli-Venezia Giulia: June-July 2020) and in Milan within the program of PimOff (autumn 2020). The performance/show or installation must be presented to the public – even at different stages of development – within the programming of both festivals.
_ two residencies periods (of 7-10 days each) to be developed in the program of: In\Visible Cities-Digital contaminations (Friuli-Venezia Giulia: June-July 2020); Festival Media Mediterranea di Pola (Croatia, July-August 2020). The performance/show or installation must be presented to the public – even at different stages of development – within the programming of both festivals.

The Artistic Committee will decide the duration of the residencies on the basis of the proposal and the work plan sent, the overall artistic programme and the most suitable spaces available to the participants.

Art. 7 Conditions »
The selected artists/groups/companies will be granted an overall gross remuneration of:

1) euro 1.200,00 including all expenses in case of participation only in the residency at In\Visible Cities – Digital Contamination

2) euro 1.700,00 including all expenses in case of participation to the residency in In\Visible Cities – Digital contaminations and Pim Off.

3) euro 1.700,00 including all expenses in case of participation to the residency in In\Visible Cities – Digital contaminations and Festival Media Mediterranea.

The Host Festivals will be responsible for the accommodation of the artists (max 3 people in case of groups of artists and companies) who will live in shared spaces, provided by the organizers.
The artist/group/company will cover the costs of food and transport.
Any proceeds will go entirely to the Association Quarantasettezeroquattro, which will cover the SIAE costs.
The group/company will bear any costs of fees to the artists.

The selected artists/groups/companies agree to stay continuously at the festival venue for the period that will be identified and arranged.

The selected artists/groups/companies agree to include the names of the hosting festivals on all promotional and informative materials and in the credits related to the show/performance.



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