Udruga za razvoj audio-vizualne umjetnosti
28/10 2020
On 29 September and 28 October 2020 artist Ivana Tkalčić held two online GIF animation workshops as a part of Matamedia’s New Media Cultivator project. In workshops participated students of Technical School Pula and Pula Gymnasium.
Workshops consisted of theoretical and practical part. In theoretical part of the workshop, Tkalčić was talking about the history and the development of GIFs (Graphics Interchange Format), its design elements, aesthetics , and the roles and types of usage from its beginnings – the end of 80s – until today. She presented online pages such as Tumblr and Giphy which are generating artistic GIFs and are dedicated to GIF art.
Students were introduced to bot analogous (hand-drawn) and digital (2D, 3D, stop motion) possibilities od creating animated GIFs based on a compression without a data loss. After that, Tkalčić presented two fomrs of digital art – glitch art (mashups) and pixel art. While glitch art is a practice that utilises digital and analogous errors in aesthetical purposes, pixel art is made by using software which can edit images on the pixel level. Glitch art can be both analogous (accidentally, as on old TVs) and digital (intervention in the image code), and it can be made into a GIF, based on a found footage, for instance.
Tkalcic intoduced students to various online programs and softwarse for generating and creating GIF animation: GIFpal, Photomosh, Giphy, etc. The students selected one software in which they made their own GIFs. The outcomes of the workshops will be presented in online exhibition.