Udruga za razvoj audio-vizualne umjetnosti
10/12 2016
The presentation of the “Video Journalism – Media literacy workshops”, organized by Pula Film Factory and Medamedia Association was held on December 7th in the Rojc Cultural Center’s living room. The program included the presentation of 10 journalist TV reports created during the workshops accompanied with commentaries by guests from the media world, and public discussion entitled “Youth and media – from education to production”.
The members of the jury – Boško Picula, Stefani Veljak Gašparić and Denis Mikolić, who commented on the students’ final reports, praised all the participants and offered some advice’s on how to improve their future work. The overall rating was very good,, as all the participants did an incredible job. Before the public discussion “Youth and Media: From Education to Production” moderated by Tanja Carić and attended by members of the jury, all the students were awarded a diploma.
The authors of the TV reports: Batista Laura, Boić Lucia, Černela Mihaela, Dobrić Aurora, Ferfoglia Nadia, Floričić Sara, Gazibara Ajla, Hristovski Adrijan, Janković Vanna, Jerković Marin, Kristian Stanković, Kustačić Darin, Kuzmić Korina, Lea Mandić, Magdalena Marković, Muratagić Elma, Načinović Dora, Pavlek Lucija Branka, Petrinčić Dea, Petrinčić Mia, Prodan Karlo, Pušić Marta, Radić Gaia, Radoš Lana, Sardoz Noa, Semolić Anđelo, Sep Leonarda, Stefanović Ines, Stojkovski Rikardo, Šebelja Lara, Trifunac Ella, Volarević Natali, Žufić Andrija.
Mentors working on the project: Bastijanić Martin, Brdar Alen-Milan, Dobran Ivan, Ilić Danilo Lola, Iskra Maja, Letonja-Marjanovič Sanda, Popović Lara, Sirotić Zorko, Šatović Martin, Tatković Maja, Uvodić Iveša Tatjana, Vincek Boris, Vuković Davor, Zdravković-Kunac Marko, Zidić Toma.
Final results:
“Video Journalism – Media literacy workshops” were realized with the support of the city of Pula, the region of Istria and Croatian audiovisual center (HAVC), in collaboration with the gymnasium of Pula and the School for Applied Arts and Design.