Udruga za razvoj audio-vizualne umjetnosti
28/12 2022
The expert jury consisting of Milan Đurić, Alessio Giuricin, and Marino Jurcan selected the following applications:
1st place: Marko Kalčić & Anica Franjul – E guarda gia da secoli (Disconada Fiasco! Remix)
2nd place: Abiral Khadka – La Sarturela (Joondroid Remix_Mixdown Peak [-4]_BPM 103).
Aside from selected winners, the jury has selected the following applications for the upcoming Remix of Identities 8 album:
Congratulations to the winners!
The results of the competition will be published in the joint edition of Remix of Identity 8.
Remix of Identity is a music project of the Metamedij association implemented within the Metamedia Lab and the Metamusic music community studio – creative laboratories of the Rojc Social Center The project seeks to establish a dialogue between traditional and contemporary music, and explores the possibilities of communication between societies, cultures, traditions, historical periods and directions through contemporary music, remixing traditional music with contemporary. Identity remixes are available on the Bandcamp page of Metamusic Production.